
CEO Peter Wennink to become chair of the TU/e Supervisory Board

Peter will succeed Baptiest Coopmans as chair of the Eindhoven University of Technology Supervisory Board as of September 1.

Announcement - Veldhoven, The Netherlands, June 29, 2020

ASML’s CEO Peter Wennink has been a member of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) Supervisory Board for over four years. As of September 1 he will become chair, succeeding Baptiest Coopmans, who is coming to the end of his second term as chair. With an extensive background in finance, Peter has now worked at ASML for more than twenty years, since 2013 as CEO.


In September the TU/e Supervisory Board also plans to welcome new member Louise Gunning, former chair of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Louise has an impressive career in higher education. She has been a university professor at UvA, president of the UvA, and has chaired the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam. She has also been chair of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA). Currently she chairs the Supervisory Board of Royal Schiphol Group, the third-busiest airport in Europe. Louise will succeed Jakob Fokkema, former rector of Delft University of Technology, on the Supervisory Board.


"We are very pleased with these developments in our supervisory board," says Robert-Jan Smits, President of the TU/e Executive Board. "Peter Wennink, with his many years of experience as CEO of a high-tech company with a key role in the global IC industry, comes with exceptional managerial qualities. His commitment to and engagement in TU/e underline the special ties between the university and industry in Brainport. And we also cannot understate the value of Louise Gunning joining our Supervisory Board. She brings extensive managerial and international experience in the field of higher education and science."


"We are very grateful for the efforts of Baptiest Coopmans, who has been chair for eight years, and Jacob Fokkema as member of the supervisory board," Robert-Jan continues. "Coopmans has held sway over the composition of the supervisory board and the executive board in recent years, and has tried to bring together the best team for TU/e. He was closely involved in a period in which TU/e completely restructured its education and saw the student population double. In that process, the supervisory board was and is of great value to the university."


As of September 1, alongside Peter and Louise, the TU/e Supervisory Board will comprise Professor Coen Teulings, former director of the Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), and Mariëtte Hamer, chair of the Social and Economic Council (SER). There is also a vacancy in the board, for which TU/e has already begun the recruitment procedure.

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