
Responsible supply chain

Upholding our sustainability principles throughout our supply chain

Our world-class supplier network helps us to achieve the innovations we strive for.

At ASML, we rely heavily on our supplier network to achieve the innovations we strive for. Our suppliers are critical to our value chain and our ambition to be a sustainable leader in the semiconductor industry. We need a responsible supply chain to deliver the systems and new technologies that can provide answers to the challenges faced by society.

With over 5,000 suppliers in our total supplier base, we invest in developing our supply landscape to help suppliers meet our requirements with regard to quality, logistics, technology, cost and sustainability.

Working with our suppliers

Building strong, strategic, ‘win- win’ relationships with our partners, while navigating short-term challenges, is essential to our future success. We operate in a niche market characterized by the production of high-value products in relatively small quantities and involving thousands of specialized parts.

We collaborate with our suppliers to develop, manufacture and deliver the innovative and unique parts used in our lithography systems. We build long-term and mutual beneficial partnerships with strategic, critical suppliers, like our partnership with Carl Zeiss SMT.

We place high importance on supplier performance management, supply chain risk management and playing a full part in a responsible supply chain. To ensure a robust supply chain, we require our suppliers to meet our high standards regarding the quality, logistics, technology, cost, and sustainability of their products and services and conduct annual risk assessments for our critical suppliers, evaluating various risk areas.

6 ingredients of a robust supply chain

A robust supply chain is crucial to ASML’s success. We're committed to growing our supplier relationships and ensuring they're prepared to work with us for years to come.

An employee wearing a blue safety vest and blue hardhat scans a box in a warehouse.

Sustainability of our suppliers

We are committed to conducting our business in a caring and accountable manner, and being recognized as a responsible business partner. Since 2011, we have been a member of the Responsible Business Alliance, the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate social responsibility in global electronics supply chains.

We have adopted the RBA Code of Conduct, which sets out ethical and environmental standards. We expect our suppliers and their suppliers to acknowledge and comply with its requirements. With over 5,000 suppliers, we apply a risk-based approach to determine which suppliers are in scope for our more detailed due diligence process.

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We assess our supplier’s compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct by a risk-based approach which consists of three layers:

  • Determine inherent risk level by screening our full supplier base on ethics, labor, health and safety and environmental practices and management systems using the RBA Risk Assessment Platform.
  • Apply supplier risk profiling to critical suppliers. For these suppliers we conduct risk assessment of general, quality, logistics, technology, cost and sustainability (GQLTCS) capability elements.
  • Apply an RBA self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) to major product-related and non-product-related suppliers, labor agents and on-site service providers, in which we consider the type and geographical location of the supplier, as well as our leverage over them. We focus on our product-related suppliers, covering 80% of our product-related annual spend, business-critical suppliers including nonproduct-related suppliers, labor agents and on-site service providers, and suppliers deemed high risk from our annual RBA risk screening.

See the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct.


Members of the Responsible Business Alliance commit and are held accountable to a common Code of Conduct and utilize a range of Responsible Business Alliance training and assessment tools to support continuous improvement in the social, environmental and ethical responsibility of their supply chains.

Conflict minerals

Like many companies in the semiconductor industry, our products contain certain minerals and metals necessary to the functionality or production of our products, including tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, also known as 3TG minerals.

We are committed to responsible sourcing of materials in our supply chain and support international efforts to ensure the mining and trading of 3TG minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas does not contribute to conditions of armed conflict or serious human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its adjoining countries.

We require our suppliers to have policies and due diligence measures in place to ensure the 3TG minerals we use are responsibly sourced.

Building relationships through Annual Suppliers’ Day

Our annual Suppliers’ Day helps us foster strong relationships with suppliers. The day allows suppliers to familiarize themselves with our strategy and targets, including through presentations from senior leadership. It is also an opportunity for us to present awards to suppliers for their contributions to ASML.

ASML annual Suppliers’ Day

2023 performance


Total sourcing spend

Reported for non-financial (GRI) reporting purposes


Total number of suppliers


Supplier spend covered by commitment to sustainability

See our latest annual report for full details of targets and performance data

Find out more about our sustainability strategy